Found in many parts of the castle keep, each has a plaque listing its author and title. Manual or automatic (sorted) item transferral. Allow fast transferral of items between terminals. One is found in each major part of the keep.
All clocks chime the appropriate number of times on the hour.Small ones just show the in-game hour and minute, along with the rotating day/night plate to show am/pm.Large ones show the in-game hour, minute, day of the week, day of the month, the month itself and also have a rotating day/night plate to show am/pm.Found in several parts of the castle keep, there are large and small variants.Laundry Room with running water, communal bathing facilities and communal lavatory.Dormitories for general servants and guards.
Support for adopting up to six children via the Multiple Adoptions mod three rooms for children.Accommodation for everyone who is not Lord/Lady of the castle.
Incorporates a museum area that automatically fills up with interesting items as the player completes quests in Skyrim. Mounts for Dragon Priest masks and Dragon Claws. Full of mannequins, weapon plaques, display cases, etc. A Hall dedicated to storing and displaying weapons, armor and other treasures. A large terrarium on the roof, full of plants to harvest for alchemical ingredients (or food). Spiral staircase leading up to the Glass Garden. Book basket to sort books into the alphabetically-labeled bookcases. Balance scales to sort alchemical ingredients and soul gems into nearby specimen cabinets. Contains Alchemy Lab, Arcane Enchanter and Staff Enchanter (once unlocked). Part library, part study (especially for magical pursuits). Balance scales to sort crafting components into nearby labeled storage. Contains Forge, Grindstone, Smelter, Workbench, Tanning Rack and Woodcutting Block. Generous stone room where the majority of crafting activities take place. The "Recall to Clockwork Castle" spell teleports to the Travel Room from anywhere, but by default will fail if the player cannot currently fast-travel for whatever reason. Buttons on the metal relief map of Skyrim configure the Travel Machine's destination. The Travel Machine allows teleportation to and from the major towns in Skyrim, and to the Recall Point designated by the "Recall to Clockwork Castle" spell. Large chamber in the basement containing the Travel Machine. Adjoining bathroom with bathtub, shower, running water, rudimentary water heater, garderobe, vanity, and sink. Incorporates a modest study, plus limited storage and display options for most treasured items. Adjoining Kitchen, with a cooking pot, Hearthfire oven, running water, custom butter churn, food-sorting balance scales and food storage in the cold-room. The central hub through which all other major parts of the castle are reached.